Ah, remember how things used to be? Well, I've haven't exactly been an active webmaster for myself, so I thought it was finally time to take down my old website. Yes, just about everything is just a memory now. It was fun while it lasted, but all good things must end.
I do still enjoy Remember WENN, so I'm leaving up the Green Room. I don't have any plans to update the pages or add anything to them as of right now. It would be fun to write up an episode guide, but honestly, I'm awfully busy with work and other things. Hopefully Remember WENN will someday become a Broadway musical, or a musical period, and I'll have more incentive to update the page. But right now, things haven't changed in the WENN-iverse since the show was cancelled in September 1998.
Thanks for reading!
(c) R. Immich 1998-2004 rebeccasue17AThotmailDOTcom |